Karaoke mixer recom...
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Karaoke mixer recommendations

Luke Ho
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I've been away from this board for a while and revisited recently to find that the site is completely renovated.  Anyway, I'm looking for a standalone karaoke mixer so that I can sing from youtube and my TV directly.  Some specs are below:

  1. Optical audio port for taking digital audio from the TV
  2. XLR output ports for going to the speakers
  3. XLR input ports for mics
  4. Key changing
  5. Anti howling

So far I find this one that seems to have everything I need from the above list.


Any other suggestions?  Thanks in advance.


Phu Tran
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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 8

Most of us here upgraded to Digital Mixer. Such as this:


John Pham
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Posts: 7

@nu_b I have the XR12 but can't find the option for Key change. Does the X12 have that feature? 
