TKT 1.1.053 can't c...
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[Solved] TKT 1.1.053 can't create thumbnails for TKaraokeUSB

kho nhac
Active Member
Joined: 3 years ago
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I was testing TkaraokeUSB before purchasing a key. I was stuck on step create thumbnails using TKT. TKT said access to ffmpeg.exe was denied (see enclosed images). I tried on other PC, got the same problem. Please take a look.

TKT 01
TKT 02


Nien Nguyen
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 39
Posted by: @khonhac68gmail-com

I was testing TkaraokeUSB before purchasing a key. I was stuck on step create thumbnails using TKT. TKT said access to ffmpeg.exe was denied (see enclosed images). I tried on other PC, got the same problem. Please take a look.


Select TKT -> Right-click -> Run as Administrator



kho nhac
Active Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 10
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It works! Thank you very much! I should have thought about this solution. 😊  
